Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Mark of Twain

I recently travelled to San Luis Obispo, CA on business and noticed a special edition of Time Magazine in the airport bookstore with an artist's rendition of Mark Twain on the cover. This was Time's seventh annual Making of America issue. The edition has four very interesting articles on Mark Twain; The Seriously Funny Man, Mark Twain: Our Original Superstar, Getting Past Black and White, and Man of the World. You can access the articles online at: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1820141,00.html . I found the article very insightful and especially useful in understanding who Mark Twain was and why his works of literature are so important even today. I thought those of you who are reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn might also find these articles interesting.


Diana said...

Thanks Bryce. I've printed out the articles and can't wait to read them.

Donette said...

Thanks Dad for the article, very interesting!