Friday, July 25, 2008

I was gone all day yesterday, so today I thought I'd blog my favorite things about Utah today.

First, I'm so thankful for the pioneers, my ancestors, that followed the Lord and came to Utah. They went through so much for us and I'm truly grateful. Also, to have the blessing of the gospel in my life. And I'm so grateful for the temple. I love all of the Church's temples, but Mt. Timp and Bountiful are my favs. Chris, Richard and I were sealed for eternity in the this, the Bountiful Temple. What a blessing!

Chris and I love to be in the mountains. We enjoy the cool breeze, the beauty and the amazing animals. This was taken yesterday while we drove through Curtis Creek and enjoyed the view, the smells and sounds of nature, and scouted for deer and moose. What a blessing to have these beauties so close to where we live.

I also adore Lake Powell. I have not been for just over 4 years, but Chris and I often talk about going. It's hot, but so wonderful and fun. I love to discover all the ruins, the ancient art and the natural beauty of this wonderful place. Utah is blessed to have so many diverse areas to discover and learn about. Not only do we have this wonderful Lake Powell, but so many other bodies of water to use and enjoy.

We have so many State and National Parks to partake of. this photo is from Capitol Reef. I can't recall that I've ever been there, but I liked the photo. :) But I have been to many of our other parks: Dead Horse Point, Bryce Canyon, Arches, among others. What a beautiful state!

Last, but not least, I am thankful to have found my husband and his family in Utah. What a blessing you have all been to us.Thank you for you love and undying support and for your examples!

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