Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July to everyone!
I am so grateful for this beautiful nation we have been blessed with. I think this is one of my favorite holidays. I feel so patriotic when I see the flag, hear the national anthem, or see service men and women. I'm thankful for the liberties we share. For those who have served our country and the people who have lost their lives for us. What a blessed day to be able to celebrate all that we have been given.
As I type I hear some of the fighter jets from HAFB flying over head and I almost get a tear in my eye. And I think of Greg, of all that he did for our nation while in the service. And all that he did for each of us. I didn't have the blessing of knowing Greg for more that a few years, but I do know that he loved each one of us and that he loved this great nation. He served well and loved much.
I am brought back to reality in the middle of typing this, as my kids are getting anxious to get to the local parade and other festivities. I just wanted to share my thanks and appreciation for our freedoms. The Lord has truly blessed me and my little family.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

I feel the same. Sunday as I was leading the music in Sacrament meeting we sang all three verses of the Star Spangled Banner. I had to stop singing for just a minute because my emotions and gratitude for this country of ours welled up in my throat.