Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Philadelphea Museum of Art

I recently took a trip to Philly with the family, and while I was there I took almost 1,000 photos. I am going through them (slowly) to find the good ones. Once I get them organized I will be posting them to a photo site, so that everyone can see them.

I am also considering trimming the photos down to a small enough number to print in a photo book. Maybe I can find a way for the family to vote on which ones should be included. I will update on this once I have a better idea of what I want to do.

One photo I took at the Philly Museum of Art is this:

Jungle Orchid

It is called "Jungle Orchid." I had never seen it before, but I really like it. It is an oil on canvas, which gives it that interesting textured effect.

I also visited the Rodan Museum while I was there and really enjoyed myself. I have found that I like good sculpture more than I like paintings or photographs. As I process images I will be posting a number of photos from there.

The first thing you see when you approach the Rodan Museum is the famous Thinker

The Thinker

Rodan used him to symbolize all creative force, and I now have a print of him hanging on my cube wall.

If anyone is interested, the camera I used to take these pictures is the Cannon Powershot G9. It has a large number of features, and takes 12.1 megapixel photos. I have been very happy with it so far.

More Philly stories to come, and an official image gallery where they will not be compressed (if they look bury on your monitor in this post, its cause they got compressed)



Jim said...


I love art museums. In fact, I'm going to hit the Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas City this week. I'd love to see more of your pictures. Please let me know when you're gallery is ready (let's share the link!). Are you going to post it to a site like Flickr, Picasa or Photobucket? If so, we can add a feature to this blog that will pull your photos from any of those sites and create a slideshow in the sidebar.

Jon said...


I currently have a gallery at jonmarrelli.photoshop.com but I will be posting photos to Flickr.

Jon said...

Okay, I have linked my photoshop account to my flicker account, and I now have a dedicated Flickr URL:
