Sunday, June 29, 2008

Brady Bunch Mysteries

This is for Donette, because I don't want her losing sleep over the important questions in life. I seem to remember that they show Alice's room in the last season. She's in a robe with cream on her face. Her boyfriend, Sam the butcher, is in the episode.
...Greg ultimately decides not be become a rock star because he realizes that his identity would be swallowed up in the false facade that is Johnny Bravo. Much like What's-His-Name (Barry Williams) being entirely eclipsed by the character of Greg Brady.
Next Week:
Find out what happened to Carol and Mike's first spouses.


Bonnie said...

Where in the world did you find that floor plan? I've missed your presence on the blog. So glad you finally contributed. You're so funny!

Diana said...

Would you believe I stayed up all night drawing it? No? Fortunately, there are millions of Brady trivia sites to back up my childhood recollections.

Diana said...

Notice that this plan does not show a full bathroom for Alice. Did she have to take a spit bath in the laundry room? Also, I don't remember the mystery bath reference.

Donette said...

Diana! Now we have a Brady expert! It was called the mystery bathroom because it never showed toilets and I think on the floor plan there are no toilets shown. I haven't seen most of the last season so I missed all the Alice stuff. Awesome! Thank you for the info, you are a wealth of knowledge :)

Jim said...

I was going to change the opinion poll from favorite cookie to favorite Brady girl. It's kind of guy talk. You know, "Ginger or Mary Ann?" However, we all know that Alice would top any other competition. Sam (the butcher) always had a smile. Besides, if you party with Alice, you get breakfast the next morning.

Diana said...

Speaking of polls, I have been unable to vote on the cookie poll. Is anyone else having this problem? (I'm talking about a technical problem here, not about being unable to decide)

Bonnie said...

I've had the same problem with the cookie poll. I've been trying to vote for Grandma's pinapple cookies for a week. Very frustrating.

Jim said...

Diana, it's really a conspiracy. I've never been partial to the pineapple cookie. I'm trying to curry favor (or favour) with Mark and get him to make me a nice batch of his cookies. Lord knows I need it. I bought a new belt that's too big. I don't want it to go to waste, so I'm trying to bulk up.

As for the voting conundrum, I think you have to be "signed in" to vote.

Diana said...

I AM logged in and still unable to cast my vote. So I'll just say here that Mark's oatmeal cookie is a real stand out in the competition. Primarily because he has focused on that one recipe. Our grandmas all have a larger body of work that has somehow diluted their cookies' appeal in this poll.

Donette said...

ok Diana you gave the teaser about the exspouses...what happened to them. The suspense is killing me!