Monday, January 12, 2009

In loving Memoriam

On Sunday January 11th around 8pm Dream Marrelli was found dead in his backyard. There is now way to tell why or how he died. He has gone to join his "Mommy" and will forever be in my heart. Dream will be cremated and his ashes buried after the snow melts. He is of course, "survived" by his family and was best described as Truly mans best friend. He was never judgemental and loved all members of his family. His mortal enemies were the deer that ate his familys flowers and other various edibles in their yard. He loved milkbones and rawhide chew sticks.

He will be missed.

Peter Marrelli


Bonnie said...

Peter, I'm so sorry to hear about Dream. I can hardly believe it. Dream still seemed like a puppy to me. Over the holiday we saw the movie Marly and Me and that dog reminded me of Dream, full of spunk and personality.

Jim said...

Rod, Peter, and Jon, my heart goes out to you. Dream was a wonderful family member. Since we never had a dog growing up, I never understood the connection. I would roll my eyes at people who would say, "My dog is the only one who understands me." Well, I'm now one of those people. If I'm leaving town, I give little consideration about who is going to watch or take care of the kids. I do stress about my dog. From the time I get home, until I leave in the morning, he's usually never more than two feet away from me. I think I have more pictures of my dog on my phone than I do of anyone else. Like me, he's far from perfect, but he does have a singular unconditional love and devotion to his family. You just don't get that with anything else.