Thursday, October 30, 2008

Roses in October?

I took this pictures this morning of the "New Dawn" roses growing on my arbor. Thanks to Abby for giving me the idea to take pictures of flowers. Now I can enjoy these babies all winter long.

This picture was taken last month after that early snow storm that wiped out the remainder of my vegetable garden. You can see the "Chicago Peace" peeking out from under her white blanket.

This one was taken this morning of the same "Chicago Peace". Pretty resilient for a finicky hybrid tea rose.

Don't you just love this crazy Utah weather?

1 comment:

Diana said...

Dear Bonnie-Better-Homes-And-Gardens-Martha-Stewart-Lady,
I've noticed a bunch of weeds in my flower beds latetly. Should I pull them or just pray for the snow to cover them up?