Saturday, August 16, 2008

Stephenie Meyer...the Twilight Series

So, I started this series thinking it would be a decent read. The YW and some of the leaders I worked with said it was so good. And my niece loves the series. So, I bought the first book and got addicted. Twilight took me about 4-5 chapters to really get into, but then it got really good. The final book Breaking Dawn came out last Saturday. It is a 750 page book and despite my hectic schedule, I've managed to find enough time to almost finish it.

They have all been really great and I love the storyline as well as the characters. Stephenie has such an imagination. Some of it seemed a little ridiculous to me because we all have an idea in our minds of vampires and how they "work", but they I just allowed myself to imagine and enjoy. I do have to say that Breaking Dawn is by FAR the best!

This series was originally geared toward the teen scene, as Harry Potter. However, this is one of the best series I have ever read. I highly recommend it to all of you! And the story of how she came to write the series is really cool. If you want to learn more about it, her website is on this link: STEPHENIE MEYER.


Bonnie said...

I read the first book about a year ago and didn't feel inspired to read the rest of them. I guess I'm too old to buy into the whole romance with a dead creature of the night thing. Jan lent me her copy of the "Host" which is another book by this author that I liked a little better. I guess in my mind falling in love with an alien is more probable? Whatever, Maybe I should give the vampire books another chance.

Chefwife said...

Ha, ha! :) I still haven't been able to finish the "Host". I'm 8 or 9 chapters in but I've put it on hold for now.

Yeah, I don't get the whole "Edward" thing. I would certainly not fall in love with him, but I thought the story was great.