Saturday, February 7, 2009


By Jon Marrelli

In an attempt to learn a bit more about how the software I recently purchased actually works, I have spent the last few days playing around with some photos in my library. I was able to punch up a few landscapes, and show some details in some architecture.

However, I've never been that great at taking photos of people. I like landscapes and architecture, and as a result I take a lot of photos of them. I am always worried about what people will think of photos I take of them, and as a result, I don't take that many. This is something I really want to fix.

So with that in mind, I have worked on the two portraits below, both to attempt to boost my technical knowledge of my new software and to start learning about taking photos of people. Please leave me some feedback about what you like or don't like about them.


Scott Jay said...

Oops, I just commented about your posting, but on the "Greasy Spoon" posting. Anyway, Angie and I really like how your new gadgets and software has enhanced your already awesome photography. Keep it up!

Bonnie said...

They look great to me. It's hard to go wrong with such attractive material. I'd be interested to see the pictures before you worked on them to see the difference.

The one of Abby is still my favorite. I think it's the way she is off to the side rather than centered in the middle of the picture. So pretty!