Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The lost pyramid of King Djedefre

I watched commentary on the History Channel this weekend of a lost pyramid built under the leadership of King Djedefre, son of King Khufu (builder of one of the 3 great pyramids). The pyramid was either not completely built, or was ruined after Djedefre death. He was not a well liked leader. Also, the remains are 5 miles from the other pyramids and within a restricted military zone. There is much speculation to the life and leadership of Djedefre and it is unclear how he died. But the piece was fascinating to watch. I'm not sure if it is going to replay, but you can access the information at

This is what the pyramid is said to look like. The base was covered in imported granite and the point was a mix of metals: gold, silver, and bronze. Each of these showing great wealth and power. It would have been beautiful.I would love to travel to Egypt one day and see these fascinating monuments/burials. With the intricate tunnel systems beneath each one.

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