Sunday, July 27, 2008

Slow Cooker Lasagna

Scott wanted this so he suggested to post it for all to have.

3/4 to 1 lb. ground beef or bulk Italian sausage or a mix of each.
1 med. onion chopped
2 cans (15 oz. each) Italian style tomato sauce (or reg. tomato sauce and add your own garlic and oregano to taste)
2 tsp. dried basil
1/2 tsp. salt
3 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1 container (15 oz.) ricotta cheese
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
12 uncooked lasagna noodles

1. Cook meat and onion in a large skillet over med. heat until no longer pink. Drain and stir in tomato sauce, basil and salt.
2. Mix 2 cups of the mozzarella and the ricotta and Parmesan cheese.
3. Spoon 1/4 of the meat/tomato mixture into 3.5 - 5 qt. slow cooker; top with 4 noodles, broken into pieces to fit. Top with 1/2 of the cheese mixture and 1/4 of the meat mixture. Top with 4 noodles, remaining cheese and 1/4 meat mix. Top with last 4 noddles and last of meat mix.
4. Cover and cook on low heat 5-6 hours or until noodles are tender.
5. Sprinkle top of lasagna with remaining 1 cup mozzarella cheese. Cover and let stand about 10 minutes to melt cheese and while you whip up a salad. We use a big spoon and dig deep to get all the layers.

Friday, July 25, 2008

I was gone all day yesterday, so today I thought I'd blog my favorite things about Utah today.

First, I'm so thankful for the pioneers, my ancestors, that followed the Lord and came to Utah. They went through so much for us and I'm truly grateful. Also, to have the blessing of the gospel in my life. And I'm so grateful for the temple. I love all of the Church's temples, but Mt. Timp and Bountiful are my favs. Chris, Richard and I were sealed for eternity in the this, the Bountiful Temple. What a blessing!

Chris and I love to be in the mountains. We enjoy the cool breeze, the beauty and the amazing animals. This was taken yesterday while we drove through Curtis Creek and enjoyed the view, the smells and sounds of nature, and scouted for deer and moose. What a blessing to have these beauties so close to where we live.

I also adore Lake Powell. I have not been for just over 4 years, but Chris and I often talk about going. It's hot, but so wonderful and fun. I love to discover all the ruins, the ancient art and the natural beauty of this wonderful place. Utah is blessed to have so many diverse areas to discover and learn about. Not only do we have this wonderful Lake Powell, but so many other bodies of water to use and enjoy.

We have so many State and National Parks to partake of. this photo is from Capitol Reef. I can't recall that I've ever been there, but I liked the photo. :) But I have been to many of our other parks: Dead Horse Point, Bryce Canyon, Arches, among others. What a beautiful state!

Last, but not least, I am thankful to have found my husband and his family in Utah. What a blessing you have all been to us.Thank you for you love and undying support and for your examples!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Took the fam to Lava on Friday. After hours at the pool, we spent the late afternoon floating the Portneuf River. I'm sure I have giardia from my involuntary ingestion of river water, but hey, what's a little diarrhea? I could use the loss of some water weight.

This is Sam dropping off of one of the diving platforms. He was planning on performing a cutaway with tuck or pike, but at the last minute he opted for the Samalama (rhymes with Dalai Lama) signature layout. All that was really missing was the flowing saffron robes.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tuacahn's Production of "Big River"

I was so excited when Bonnie mentioned to me that Tuacahn Amphitheatre in St. George is doing a production of "Big River", a story based on "Huckleberry Finn". This production runs from August 27 through October 17, 2008. I thought it would be fun for all who have read the book in our book club this summer to go down to St. George together and see this production. It only plays on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I was thinking October would be the most comfortable weather wise. So if you are interested please mark you calendars and make arrangements to go because I don't want to have to go by myself. For more information you can go to

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Finest Political Parody

Send a JibJab Sendables® eCard Today!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Mark of Twain

I recently travelled to San Luis Obispo, CA on business and noticed a special edition of Time Magazine in the airport bookstore with an artist's rendition of Mark Twain on the cover. This was Time's seventh annual Making of America issue. The edition has four very interesting articles on Mark Twain; The Seriously Funny Man, Mark Twain: Our Original Superstar, Getting Past Black and White, and Man of the World. You can access the articles online at:,9171,1820141,00.html . I found the article very insightful and especially useful in understanding who Mark Twain was and why his works of literature are so important even today. I thought those of you who are reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn might also find these articles interesting.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Adventures of an Assasination Vacation ala Shakespeare

Step aside Bradys. I have just returned from a 2 1/2 day trip to The Utah Shakespearean Festival. (I attended with Jan and Bonnie) Unfortunately you won't get an intelligent and insightful review of the plays we saw. The first reason being that Nancy wasn't there. But it was satisfying to spend time with my other sisters and laugh and marvel anew at how funny we think we are.
Highlights of the trip (for me) include food poisoning, acquired at the Garden House Restaurant, (Otherwise, I highly recommend it) Next, Fred Adams, founder of the festival, approaching Jan with, "How are you? It's so good to see you again." (This put her way ahead in the How Many People Do You Know Game--you get extra points if they recognize you, even mistakenly) And lastly, watching Cyrano de Bergerac through a low blood sugar queasy haze and still realizing it to be one of the greatest stories ever told. (Bonnie cried)
In other news: I borrowed Bryce's copy of Assasination Vacation from Jim (thanks Bryce) and am enjoying that read. Bryce's copy comes with an additional perc in that previous readers have left in ticket stubs as book marks so I feel a certain sense of community as I reinsert Larry Criddle's flight pass. Not to worry, I didn't read this book during the aforementioned gastrointestional disturbance. (There's that potty humor you've been waiting for Jim)
Bonnie bought me a copy of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that I have finally begun. I'm only about 30 pages in. So far I'm feeling like maybe I'm not such a bad parent. I look forward to participating in the Book Club Thread.
You HAVE to check out Baron and Donette's new blog CINEMABON. Jan and I need them to help us set up one where we review historical [fancy pants] movies. Instead of Cinnamon Buns, we would like to use breeches.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Bradiation by Diana

OK, boys and girls, here is the much awaited answer to that burning question:
What happened to Mike and Carol's previous spouses?
Let's start with Mike, as his situation is more clear cut. In the pilot episode, (The Honeymoon) there is a scene where Bobby is putting away a picture of his mother in deference to his new mom's feelings. The advice/lecture that Mike gives Bobby leads us to believe that his first wife has died.
Now, on to Carol. The series creator, Sherwood Schwartz, had intended that Carol be divorced. This was a typical scenerio in the 60's, when the idea was conceived. (40% of all households contained children from previous marriages. Obviously, not all of these households were the result of widowed parents; It was more likely the result of the climbing divorce rate. Despite this, network execs worried that it would be too controversial and refused to proceed unless Mr. Schwartz changed the divorce premise. Eventually, he compromised by leaving out all mention of her first husband other than a brief reference in the pilot episode, when Carol says, "A few years ago...I thought it was the end of the world.."
And we bought it. I never thought about their previous spouses when I watched it as a kid. It took a generation before anyone started thinking, "Hey, wait a minute...." Mike adopted Carol's daughters from the beginning and Marcia nominated him for Father of the Year so it kinda makes you wonder what Carol's ex could have done to be so shut out of their lives. Speaking of lives. I really should return to mine.
But before you do, take this quiz to test your Brady acumen.
Just one more thing. In the above photo, Marcia should have a caption bubble saying, "Get your filthy hand off my knee, Florence." While Carol is defending herself with, "Barry asked me out, Maureen. What was I sopposed to do?" And another thing. Our very own Jan takes issue at not being included in the cookie poll. She makes an extremely memorable and much requested chocolate chip cookie...but it's always Marsha, Marsha, Marshmallow shaggy dogs snickerdoodled with poorly drawn pineapple oatmeal cookies....

Lauren Rules the Water

Lauren learned to wakeboard on our recent vacation to Lake Powell. Not only can she dance, but she can board as well!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

One-Buttock Classical Music

I've listened (ok, endured) a lot of motivational speaches at conferences and other training sessions. It's twenty minutes long, but well worth listening and watching (it's entertaining as well). You will learn why no one is tone deaf, everyone can enjoy classical music, and why one-buttock classical music is the best.

Benjamin Zander is the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July to everyone!
I am so grateful for this beautiful nation we have been blessed with. I think this is one of my favorite holidays. I feel so patriotic when I see the flag, hear the national anthem, or see service men and women. I'm thankful for the liberties we share. For those who have served our country and the people who have lost their lives for us. What a blessed day to be able to celebrate all that we have been given.
As I type I hear some of the fighter jets from HAFB flying over head and I almost get a tear in my eye. And I think of Greg, of all that he did for our nation while in the service. And all that he did for each of us. I didn't have the blessing of knowing Greg for more that a few years, but I do know that he loved each one of us and that he loved this great nation. He served well and loved much.
I am brought back to reality in the middle of typing this, as my kids are getting anxious to get to the local parade and other festivities. I just wanted to share my thanks and appreciation for our freedoms. The Lord has truly blessed me and my little family.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" Choice for Book Club

Ready, Set, Read! I have chosen 'Huckleberry Finn' for the book club read. I haven't read this since junior high so this should be fun. Enjoy!

"How Can I Be"

Awesome song.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Summer Vacation

Jan and I just got back from our second summer vacation. Our first was to Albuquerque NM. On the way we stopped in Moab and did Arches, Cortez CO and did Mesa Verde. We want to go back to Cortez and hike around Mesa Verde. Long drive to Albuquerque. Ya Know...When God created nothing it was all put in southern UT, AZ and NM. And that stretch of I80 from Evenston to Cheyenne WY. Oh and that part of NV and CA from Vegas through Barstow to about Riverside. I was told many years ago that the western desert is being preserved for the lost 10 tribes. And when they return they will make the desert blossom like the rose. I digress. We came home through 4 corners and stopped to let Nathan stand in all four states at once. We told him that this was a once in a life time experience because I really don't think I will ever drive through there again. The whole area is under control of the Navajo tribe and they charge $3 a person to get in to the 4 corners monument area. Which could cause some problems when the lost 10 tribes show up. So to sum it up: Moab - yes, Mesa Verde - yes, Albuquerque - yes, Four Corners - no. I'll let you know about San Francesco on another posting. Alan

The lost pyramid of King Djedefre

I watched commentary on the History Channel this weekend of a lost pyramid built under the leadership of King Djedefre, son of King Khufu (builder of one of the 3 great pyramids). The pyramid was either not completely built, or was ruined after Djedefre death. He was not a well liked leader. Also, the remains are 5 miles from the other pyramids and within a restricted military zone. There is much speculation to the life and leadership of Djedefre and it is unclear how he died. But the piece was fascinating to watch. I'm not sure if it is going to replay, but you can access the information at

This is what the pyramid is said to look like. The base was covered in imported granite and the point was a mix of metals: gold, silver, and bronze. Each of these showing great wealth and power. It would have been beautiful.I would love to travel to Egypt one day and see these fascinating monuments/burials. With the intricate tunnel systems beneath each one.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell

Jim mentioned the book Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell in one of his earlier entries. I first heard about the book while watching BookSpan or the Book Network on cable TV during a question and answer session with the author Sarah Vowell. Ms. Vowell is a regular contributor to National Public Radio's (NPR) American Life and the voice of teenage superhero Violet Parr on The Incredibles. In Assassination Vacation Sarah takes the reader on a tour of sites and monuments that pay homage to Presidents Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley visiting everything from grave sites and simple plaques (like the one in Buffalo that marks the place where McKinley was shot) to places like the National Museum of Health and Medicine, where fragments of Lincoln's skull are on display. Ms. Vowell is a very gifted writer and researcher and her books are filled with historical facts and trivia sprinkled with humor and occasionally her liberal views of the current Administration. She is also the author of Radio On: A Listener's Diary; Take the Cannoli: Stories From the New World; and The Partly Cloudy Patriot. I haven't read any of her other works but I highly recommend Assassination Vacation. Any of you are welcome to borrow my copy as soon as Jim is done with it.