Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Museum of Idaho...

For those of you who read this on my blog, I'm sorry to be redundant. A few weeks ago Chris and I were in Jackson, WY and we drove through Idaho Falls and found that the Museum of Idaho was doing an exhibit "World of the Pharaohs." Ancient Egypt has always fascinated me. I am curious of the cities they build underground for mummies; why did they build such elaborate tombs, and why did they place pots and such near the bodies? Also, why did they put the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines of the deceased in pots?
We were able to learn of these mysteries and view many of the items recovered from these underground cities. It was very informative. Now I want to learn more.

I'm sorry I don't have photos of the displays, cameras were not allowed as the light could damage these ancient artifacts, but I would highly recommend making the trip to Idaho Falls to view this incredible exhibit. It will be there until November, when it goes back to Boston.


Jim said...


I didn't even know there was a museum in Idaho Falls. I usually only get as far as Pocatello. Sure I.F. is only another 30 min. drive, but really, once you've partied in Pokie, there's really not a lot else the Gem State has to offer. However, this exhibit sounds great. Thanks for posting!

Chefwife said...

This is so true. I recommend sticking to national food chains for eating in I.F., too. We had a very bad experience!