Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Local Art Piece Review

This is a self portrait done last year by my wonderful and talented husband, Baron. I am kind of biased but I love this piece. He created it from a black and white photograph of himself taken about seven years ago then altered it in photoshop. Baron is currently working to get his graphic design website up, I will let everyone know when that is up and running. In the mean time I am proud of his talent and artistic abilities.


Bonnie said...

I love this. It looks like the cover of a CD. Maybe Baron could record some songs.

Diana said...

Let's call this: "My In-Laws Are Living In My Basement" Seriously, Baron (and Donette) it's wonderful. I look forward to seeing your website. Tell me about the name "poorly drawn pineapple"

Donette said...

The name 'poorly drawn pineapple' comes from a Spongebob episode where Spongebob and Patrick the star fish find a magic pencil and draw a doodle of Spongebob. The doodle comes to life and is evil. The doodle draws a crappy looking pineapple to live in like Spongebobs house (he lives in a pineapple) Anyway, they are looking for the doodle and Patrick says to Spongebob, "Maybe he is hiding in that poorly drawn pineapple." Kind of obscure, I know. I love Spongebob!