Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bountiful Sunset on 6/25/2008

By Jon Marrelli

Tonight in Bountiful we had a really fun sunset. I was out with my Cannon G9, and stopped on the street to snap some photos. The haze in the air made the sun very red as it set over the lake. It did not turn out as red in the photo as it really was, but that is probably my failing as a photographer. I took these photos in fully manual mode on my camera; controlling the focus, shutter speed and other variables.

As the sun set, it went behind a group of clouds. It threw a golden light up, and a red light down.

Sunset number 1

Then as the sun came back out from behind the clouds, it seemed to sink right into the lake.

Sunset number 2

I have set up two locations to show my photos, if people are interested in them.



I would really appreciate any feedback on my photos that people would care to give, as I am actively trying to become a better photographer. Right now photography is my main hobby, as work does not leave me much extra time.



Chefwife said...

Jon, these are beautiful. I love the one with the sun behind the clouds. Stunning!

Bonnie said...

Jon, these photos took my breath away! I had no idea that you were such a great photographer keep of the good work.

Bonnie said...

Jon, these photos took my breath away! I had no idea that you were such a great photographer keep of the good work.

Abby Jane said...

Jon you are such an excellent photographer! I love this picture, you have an amazing talent! I hope you know how much I look up to you!

Diana said...

The photos are even better on the two linked sites. I especially like the Adobe one. The sunsets are almost apocoliptic, don't you think? In my completely unbiased opinion, the Philidelphia architectual pics are exceptional.

Diana said...

correction: apocalyptic

Diana said...

correction: Philadephia