Monday, June 30, 2008

Book Club?

Mark Twain

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in starting a book club through this blog? We could all give suggestions as to what is read and then take a vote. Let me know what you all think. For my suggestions I would like to explore the literature of Mark Twain. Maybe The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. We could even dig up more obscure books like his travel literature, Rough It, Old Times on the Mississippi, The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrams' Progress. I personally have not read any of his travel literature. Let me know what you all think.


Diana said...

Count me in. I read a short story of his this past winter called, "Cannibalism in Cars" (under Samuel Clemens)that was so clever and funny. I'm game for any of the titles you have mentioned.

Jim said...

Great idea! You can go to the Project Gutenberg Web site (, type in "Twain" in the author section and download virtually any of his printed works (they are now in the public domain). You can read it on your computer, PDA, or even download audio versions and listen to them on your computer, iPod or MP3 player. Best of all, it's all free.

Diana said...

But can you curl up to any of those things? There's nothing like a BOOK. (And I can't even get my MP3 player to play music)

Bryce said...
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Bryce said...

I'm in. It think it's a great idea for all who are interested to read and discuss one of Mr. Clemens works.

Diana said...

This is Dad, not Diana. Jay said...I'm all for a book club. Anything of Mark Twain.

Donette said...

Ok so I went to the library and got "Huckleberry Finn", "Tom Sawyer", "The Prince and the Pauper", "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court", and "A Murder, A Mystery, and A Marriage". I haven't read the later three and will probably read them all. So anyone is welcome to join me in any of these books unless you really want to read something else. Let me know. I start reading tonight!

Donette said...

I should have put this in the last post. I was wondering how we should go about chatting about the books. Should we do a new post with the chosen books in mind and welcome back and forth comments or should this all be listed in the side thingy on the blog? Jim, anyone what is the best way to do this?

Diana said...

Donette, Take a deep breath and slow down. You're reading 5 books simultaneously? I admire your enthusiasm but can we pick just 1 to start? I've never heard of A MURDER,A MYSTERY...that gets my vote. Again, I'm game for any of them. (But one at a time) Since this was your idea I think you should choose.

Diana said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU DONETTE!! (Everyone, she turned 30 on June 28th)

Jim said...

Donette is 30? Well, that must mean that her parents were 10 and 11 when she was born. You know Donette, at age 30, you get to start adding another "n" to your first name. In fact, I think you should have two of every letter in your first name. You know, "Donettenod". It's very anagrammatic.

Donette said...

Very funny Jim. Yeah 30...dun, dun, dun...yucky. Ok well I choose the book 'Huckleberry Finn'. So start reading! Diana I'm not reading all the books simultaneously just one at a time. Jim can you give me permission to post some crap on the side of the blog like the book club and to add my family blog to the links. I still don't know how the book club should work. Maybe I will just periodically post after so many chapters and then ask for comments.