Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Picture of Dad/Grandpa/Great-Grandpa

Here's a nice picture of Dad (and Julie Rabe) taken by the George Washington Taggart headstone in the South Morgan Cemetery.  Dad's lookin' good.  I wish I were that trim.  

But if I were (that trim), who would keep Hostess in business?  My corpulence is really an important part of our economic viability.  I'm just not willing to let my vanity stand in the way of supporting a fine American company and further erode a dwindling consumer confidence portrayed by the liberal media.

But here's a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators:  "I'm not eating this Twinkie to seek their good opinion -- I'm eating this Twinkie to serve the people of this country."

[Kids, this is what happens when you mix polysorbate 60, hydrogenated shortening, high fructose corn syrup, FD&C yellow no. 5 and 16 straight hours of C-Span]

I'm not sure who the other gentlemen are, but I assure you that since they are with Dad and Julie, they must indeed be gentlemen.  The source of the picture is a blog titled "Update on Joseph Taggart.  The link is:  http://josephtaggart.blogspot.com/2008/09/fair-state-state-fair-and-fine-state-of.html

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

I had to zoom in on that picture because I was sure you were mistaken and the woman in the picture was Kristy Bush. But I should have trusted you because on closer inspection it truly is Julie. Isn't it funny how as we age we all start looking alike. Just call me BonDiJanNanc.