Thursday, September 11, 2008

One of my favorite web sites is They explore and research urban legends and myths. I came across a very interesting posting a few weeks ago and would like to share it. I will just give you brief summary and it you want to know more you can do your own research. Recently a 98 year old woman named Irena Sendler died of pneumonia in Warsaw, Poland. She has been referred to as "the female Oskar Schindler" for her daring and ingenuity in saving the lives or more than 2500 Jews (most of them children) in German-occupied Poland during World War II. The story conflicts a little. One says that she was a plumber/sewer specialist and smuggled infants out in the bottom of her tool box. Another version said that she passed herself off as a nurse. Irena Sendler was a candidate for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize but Al Gore won it for is efforts on global warming. Anyway, I was fascinated by the story. If you want to read more go to or Somebody needs to write a book. This photo is Irena at age 91.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Picture of Dad/Grandpa/Great-Grandpa

Here's a nice picture of Dad (and Julie Rabe) taken by the George Washington Taggart headstone in the South Morgan Cemetery.  Dad's lookin' good.  I wish I were that trim.  

But if I were (that trim), who would keep Hostess in business?  My corpulence is really an important part of our economic viability.  I'm just not willing to let my vanity stand in the way of supporting a fine American company and further erode a dwindling consumer confidence portrayed by the liberal media.

But here's a little news flash for all those reporters and commentators:  "I'm not eating this Twinkie to seek their good opinion -- I'm eating this Twinkie to serve the people of this country."

[Kids, this is what happens when you mix polysorbate 60, hydrogenated shortening, high fructose corn syrup, FD&C yellow no. 5 and 16 straight hours of C-Span]

I'm not sure who the other gentlemen are, but I assure you that since they are with Dad and Julie, they must indeed be gentlemen.  The source of the picture is a blog titled "Update on Joseph Taggart.  The link is: